There. I did it. I’ve managed to use up all the old novelty yarn that I had lying around here, the pile of yarn that I felt was holding me back from moving forward. That pile of yarn, to me, represented a bunch of old, failed ideas. It’s been in my stash for over 7 [...]
Archive for the tag 'kitty'
May 19 2012
Super Sidekick Kitty Helps Me Watercolor Paint
This kitty cracks me up. Her silliness is boundless. She continually does things that make myself and Mr. NexStitch laugh, smile, and otherwise forget the everyday stresses of life. Case in Point: Last month I decided, after seeing a picture of some watercolor/pen&ink driftwood paintings in a book, that I’d paint some of the driftwood [...]
June 11 2011
Lick-a-polooze (The Reign of the Cone of Shame is No More)!
Kitty Kats got her freedom on Wednesday afternoon when we visited the vet, who gave her the thumb’s up on her surgery recovery and thus removed the Cone of Shame. And while it seemed very unmomentous while in the vet’s office, the moment Roxie was released from her pet carrier into the living room, she [...]
June 5 2011
Day Five (Ready to Shred the Cone of Shame)
We’re already planning the party. You know, the one when we take the Cone of Shame off of Kitty Kat’s head and burn it. Melodramatic much? There are moments when I think I’m OK seeing her cart around a plastic cone on her head – times where I even giggle at her licking it or [...]
June 2 2011
Kitty and the Cone of Shame (I Haz a Sad)
This poor kitty has been through it all. When we adopted her from a neighbor in foreclosure, she had chewed her whole backside right above the base of her tail (And yes, we’ve done every test, tried every food, had X-rays, tried steroid shots, you name it. We’re using a topical liquid that helps a [...]
March 23 2011
Abort! Abort! Kitty Cuteness Overload. ABORT!
This kitty has me wrapped around her little paw, I tell you. I can’t manage to get much done with her looking so cute and doing funny things to make me laugh or “Dawww!” all the time. But she’s taken the cake now with her latest move. I started working on revamping a bag design [...]
August 7 2010
My Sweetest Girl…
…is driving me bonkers in the vet department. She’s racked up a substantial vet bill over the last several months – we’re talking over $1200 by now – for this one single issue: her tail biting. She’s biting the top of her tail and just a little above that. We don’t know why. We’ve tried [...]
July 23 2010
Meet New Helper and Feline Extraordinaire, Roxie!
It occurred to me that I never introduced the latest addition to my household to my blog readers: Roxie! She was our neighbor’s (he lived across the street) cat for several years and during that time, she’d apparently had a couple liters of kitties (none of which I was aware of), one of which was [...]