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Archive for the 'Just Me' Category

Hurricane Sandy Relief – 50% Off ALL Crochet Patterns, 100% Proceeds Donated!

Dear Fellow Crocheters, The last several days have been a trying time for many people in the tri-state community after the devastation brought on by Superstorm Sandy, namely on the Jersey shore. Having been raised in the small, beach tourist town of Point Pleasant, NJ myself, I’ve witnessed firsthand how this storm has impacted the everyday [...]

JERSEY RISING: Jersey Helping Jersey Rise from the Rubble of Hurricane Sandy

I’m apart of a group of creative types trying to put together a Jersey folks helping Jersey folks-inspired benefit concert to aid those in need here on the Jersey Shore in the aftermath of Sandy and this latest storm. We started out with a Facebook group page 48 hours ago that has swelled to 6K [...]

Jersey Strong: What Doesn’t Divide Us Only Makes Us Stronger

Through all the chaos of this last week, the best gift ever has been being able to get online and just talk and listen to other people, to not feel alone in all this. May that never wash away with the tide. Folks, this has been a trying week. All those scenes you keep seeing [...]

A Sea of Doubts

I just cleared out most of the designs in my design graveyard sitting on top of my light table here in the office. At first, I thought displaying everything here would help me try to make one of these designs come to fruition. But after having them stare me in the face for so long, [...]

Cheer to Science! And Beer. Dogfish Head Beer, that is.

I nearly forgot to blog about this amazing event my husband and I went to last month called, “Cheers to Science: A Drinkable Feast of Beer, Biotechnology and Archaeology” hosted at Mario Batali’s, “Eataly” in NYC. What an amazing event! If you’re into the science of beer making, it was worth  the hassle (and the coin) [...]

Beer and Hook Jaunt into NYC: How to Spend a Perfect Afternoon in the City

I arrived home from work on Wednesday afternoon with contained excitement about the impending 4-day weekend coming up, wanting to do something with the time instead of wasting away sitting here at the computer. A jaunt into the city to partake in some beer and hooky delight with my husband and our friend, Steve, was [...]

Super Sidekick Kitty Helps Me Watercolor Paint

This kitty cracks me up. Her silliness is boundless. She continually does things that make myself and Mr. NexStitch laugh, smile, and otherwise forget the everyday stresses of life. Case in Point: Last month I decided, after seeing a picture of some watercolor/pen&ink driftwood paintings in a book, that I’d paint some of the driftwood [...]

Another Warm, Beautiful Winter Day in New Jersey

Winter? Warm? Oh yes, people. It’s been warm and it’s been lovely.                       Really lovely.                       Like 70 degrees lovely.                       I had a few [...]

A Shopping We Will Go.

Here are a few things I’ve been gathering here in the office once I’m ready to start decorating. I’ve been hung-up on what to do for a side table and shelves. I think I’ve gone round-robin on all the possibilities countless times.                           [...]

And it’s only day 1, folks. Actually, I’m only a mere 14 hours into it and I can’t seem to pull myself away from the crack otherwise known as Pinterest. For someone like me who is very visual, this place is a monumental, living, breathing eyegasm. I’ve long wanted a place to catalog all the [...]

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