Archive for July, 2011

Office Remodel Update: Going Gaga

                Another quick update during the trim work process. We’re about a day behind on things but what’s being cranked out is a feast to beholden. I can’t stop looking at it. I think I’ve gone up and down the stairs to snatch sneak peeks of it at [...]

Built-in Prettiness by Clarkworks, LLC

Swoon! Super excited! I have a bookshelf! I designed it and my contractor, Frank Clark of Clarkworks, LLC built it. He’s really amazing with the woodwork (his specialty). I’m already envisioning prettiness all over this thing. I might even use it to store projects I’m working on since I already have a yarn storage piece [...]

Friday Night Special: Floor Sanding

So, what did you all do on Friday night? Me? I did what everyone else does on a Friday night: I was helping to sand floors in my office and the hallway until 11:30pm. I worked the Edgerrrr. That bad boy has a mind of it’s own. What a beast of a time it was [...]

Cruising into…a Brick Wall.

Well, that’s what my body is saying this feels like. “This,” being all the back-breaking work I’ve been doing. I’ve been a monster worker this last week. Rather unstoppable, really. Every time I cross something off my “to do” list, I add twice as many things onto it. I think it’s some kind of litmus [...]

A couple years ago, when I decided to be amongst the last people to jump into the Facebook pool, I did it as means of connecting with people in a new way. I’d throw up a post here on my blog saying as much, and to hit me up with a friend request. It was [...]

Office Remodel (Update): Is it Done Yet?

Things are moving along quickly. In the last several days, I managed to get the room ripped out right down to the stud, which revealed a few interesting finds. Since then, the room has been insulated. It only took 2 days. That’s dripping with sarcasm in case you couldn’t tell:           [...]