Sigh. I can feel a two-ton weight is going to drop over my head for even broaching this subject, but can we talk about how crocheters (and knitters) are using Pinterest? I love Pinterest. I love being able to have a place online where I can store images that I love, with some of those [...]
Archive for the tag 'knit'
August 31 2012
December 29 2011
Need a Graphic Designer for Your Crochet or Knit Pattern Line? Hire Me.
I came across a graphic designer group on Ravelry which had a thread up about, “Hey, here are my graphics if you’re interested in my work” kinda thread. Figured I’d throw something together to show some stuff I’ve done. I should probably get up some kind of working online portfolio at some point (if I [...]
November 5 2011
Embrace the (Crochet) Polarity! Seventeen Evergreen’s “Polarity Song” is Brilliant Loopy Madness
Seventeen Evergreen – Polarity Song from Lucky Number Music on Vimeo. Who knew being abducted by thrift store stalking, wollen monsters mummifying people in granny squares could be so entertaining? Imagine: you’re cruising the aisles of your local second-hand shop checking out the latest kitsch of picked-over clothes and nicknacks, when a hand reaches out [...]
January 22 2011
Opening NexStitch Crochet Patterns on your iPhone or iPad via Ravelry!
I love Ravelry. I geek out on the technology that it has to offer. Just when I think Jess and Casey have topped themselves, I discover something else I didn’t know was available to Ravelry users. Case in point: The coolness of opening NexStitch crochet patterns on your iPad or iPhone*. Now you can have [...]
February 8 2009
Yarn is Flying Off the Shelves?
Maybe it’s just me – and correct me where I’m wrong – but I thought that some yarn companies and yarn store owners were having a tough time in today’s economy. Well, maybe that ‘some’ is literally just a few in number, because on the main page of ABC News today, there’s a video article [...]