Need a Graphic Designer for Your Crochet or Knit Pattern Line? Hire Me.

I came across a on Ravelry which had a thread up about, “Hey, here are my graphics if you’re interested in my work” kinda thread. Figured I’d throw something together to show some stuff I’ve done. I should probably get up some kind of working online portfolio at some point (if I can get beyond the fits of laziness I’m experiencing over here after nearly a week off).

If you’re a self-publishing crochet or knit designer and you’d like to talk about hiring me to do graphics for your pattern line, let me know.

Capabilities: Layout design (web and print) specifically for knit/crochet designers, catalog design, book and booklet design (web and print), ads (web and print), business cards, brochures, postcards, classroom handouts for knit/crochet teachers, schematics, diagrams, charts, photo editing, proofreading, branding/identity, logo design, and photography.

References: Email me at clients (at) nexstitch (dot) com. I can furnish.

Rates: Reasonable rates. Email me. I promise I don’t conk people over the head in dollars and cents with some extreme hourly rate.

Other: I’m really most interested in working with people on their full pattern line. I find it personally rewarding to work with clients who are willing to listen to feedback and suggestions about how they can make the visual end of their product line appealing from start to finish.


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