I’m apart of a group of creative types trying to put together a Jersey folks helping Jersey folks-inspired benefit concert to aid those in need here on the Jersey Shore in the aftermath of Sandy and this latest storm. We started out with a Facebook group page 48 hours ago that has swelled to 6K [...]
Archive for the tag 'nj'
November 4 2012
Jersey Strong: What Doesn’t Divide Us Only Makes Us Stronger
Through all the chaos of this last week, the best gift ever has been being able to get online and just talk and listen to other people, to not feel alone in all this. May that never wash away with the tide. Folks, this has been a trying week. All those scenes you keep seeing [...]
August 22 2012
I continue to be taken back to a place and time that I miss, a time when all things were less complex, a time even before I existed: Jersey shore, the mid-1800′s. Inspiration There’s a very small section of Point Pleasant that still exists today, an unincorporated section called, “Lovelandtown,” a small hamlet community. I [...]
August 22 2012
CROCHET PATTERN RELEASE – Metedeconk Beach Tote!
I know, don’t faint. I’m just releasing a pattern. It’s only been…two years (730+ days, but who’s counting?) It was about time. I had motivation thanks to Ravelympics (or whatever we’re calling it these days). Inspiration I must be missing home a lot because home has been on my mind. A lot. I miss living [...]
May 19 2012
Super Sidekick Kitty Helps Me Watercolor Paint
This kitty cracks me up. Her silliness is boundless. She continually does things that make myself and Mr. NexStitch laugh, smile, and otherwise forget the everyday stresses of life. Case in Point: Last month I decided, after seeing a picture of some watercolor/pen&ink driftwood paintings in a book, that I’d paint some of the driftwood [...]
March 24 2012
Another Warm, Beautiful Winter Day in New Jersey
Winter? Warm? Oh yes, people. It’s been warm and it’s been lovely. Really lovely. Like 70 degrees lovely. I had a few [...]