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Archive for the tag 'uncommon threads'

3 of a Kind on Uncommon Threads (HGTV)

Pam, Drew, and I will finally have our second of three Uncommon Threads shows aired on HGTV (DIY’s sister station) next Tuesday, June 19th at 7 am. Yeap. You’ll need to get up bright and early (or set your DVR’s). I’ll be up and getting ready for work. And with a little switcheroo, I’ll be able to watch it [...]

Uncommon Threads: “Back in the Saddle” Debut!

Uncommon Threads, which is taped for the DIY Network, is now going to be aired on HGTV, its sister station. As a result, the episodes that Pam, Drew and Ifilmed will be shown twice! The first show is slated to be broadcast next Tuesday, January, 19th at 11:30am on HGTV. Check out this this link for more details. In other news, my trademark for NexStitch is proceeding [...]

“I’m not an actress, but I play one on t.v.” Part Twa (Three)

On Day 3, I woke up before the alarm went off again. It’s a nervous habit of mine. When I’m in anticipation of something, my body works like a clock and knows what needs to be done. That’s not to suggest that I’m a morning person. Uh, NO. WAY. Larry’s best childhood friend, Colin, wrote a great [...]

“I’m not an actress, but I play one on t.v.” Part Duh (Two)

When we left the studio the night before, I told everyone who asked that I wanted to take home my step outs to practice, which at the time, I intended to do. (Really!) But by the time we got home from dinner, which was only 9:00pm (12am NJ time), we were pooped and hit the [...]

“I’m not an actress, but I play one on t.v.” Part Huh? (One)

The night before we (Drew, Pam, and I) flew to LA for our 3 tapings of Uncommon Threads episodes was very busy here at Chez NexStitch. I spent the entire day working on step outs for the show. An aside Step outs are examples of a project that one creates which allow a viewer to [...]

Today is it: Do or die!

Today is the last day before Drew, Pam, and I head to Burbank for our upcoming taping of Uncommon Threads. I still have a laundry list of things to do before the shoot (plus, I need to do the laundry!) I’m still working on step outs for the projects. I’m just about done with one [...]

It’s All Pretend: Getting Ready for UnCommon Threads

I made it up. It’s a fake. A fraud. Phony. Fabricated. A sham. A stunt. I was like a confidence trickster (all you Fawlty Towers lovers will get the reference). I was asked to send in between 6 – 8 photos of me doing my craft for Uncommon Threads. Yeah. Me? Pictures? of me? Sure. [...]