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Archive for the tag 'purse'

On-The-Go Hobo (Re-Released)

Graphicsopolis. That’s what this has been about. Graphics, schmaphics. In between working on stuff for clients as well as a super secret cool pattern compilation project – for which I’m doing the graphics for and will tell you more about once it’s “live” – I’ve re-released the On-The-Go Hobo pattern. This pattern was originally published [...]

Rhiannon Tote: Inspiration from the Outside Looking In

Green. Something about the color green triggers certain memories for me. Actually, colors in general do that for me. It’s how my brain is wired: a crazy juxtaposition of spoken words –  both from pop culture and my own experiences – and colors along with a heavy helping of loaded feelings. That’s how I remember [...]

Montauk Crochet Handbag Design Inspiration (What Makes YOU Tick?)

The Meaning of Creativity I find it fascinating to talk with other designers and ask them what makes them tick, what drives their internal engines to create and keep creating even in the face of self-doubt and frustration. The answers I get always lean towards an insatiable desire to put to real form what they’re [...]

SFTD: Strapped for Bags, Vol. 3 – RELEASED

SCRATCH THAT: But it here! We’re oh-so close to releasing the 3rd and final volume of the Bag Book series from SFTD Online. (I will update this post when we go live). Strapped For Bags, Volume 3 featuring: A Crocheter’s Backpack by, Amy O’Neill Houck Hip Hoppin’ Backpack by, Dee Stanziano Knot Bag by, Doris Chan Scrap Yarn Bag [...]

Cupid’s Clutch Crochet Bag Released!

It’s been a long three weeks since I last wrote. I’ve been doing the Christmas thing for awhile now, getting ready by making my annual greeting cards as well as ornaments for my tree. (I’ll post pictures of the ornaments I made as well as the tree I put together sometime today or tomorrow. Anyway, [...]