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Archive for January, 2009

Snow Day!

There’s nothing better for the soul than a snow day! Now onto some crocheting. I need to make an iPhone cozy for my new phone (which is a month old and always a moment away from being scratched). If I make progress, I’ll update later. Tweet

Tweet, Tweet!

OK, I succumbed to joining Twitter. You can pick up my tweets here: There’s also a sidebar widget on my blog to read them too. Hijinks ensue. Ack! Tweet


I downloaded the WordPress iPhone app. I’m hoping this works out good because I’d like to increase my postings for this year. Last year I was pretty pathetic about posting. Call it an unofficial goal, if you will. Tweet

Hello again!

As you can see, I’ve decided to move my blog over to my own domain. I had previously been hosting it with Missa of KPixie under the “My Crochet Blogs” umbrella, so-to-speak. But I was having too many issues with Dreamhost (hosting for the blog). There were times when my blog would be down for [...]