Sigh. I can feel a two-ton weight is going to drop over my head for even broaching this subject, but can we talk about how crocheters (and knitters) are using Pinterest? I love Pinterest. I love being able to have a place online where I can store images that I love, with some of those [...]
Archive for the tag 'stealing'
August 31 2012
February 23 2008
Have you been “photonapped?” Pt. 3
…And what’s everyone’s is free for the taking (sharing/swapping), no matter who it hurts. The icing on the cake is when a thief has no remorse for what he or she has done. When they present an argument that’s akin to callousness (“We don’t have these patterns available in our language, so we translated them [...]
February 20 2008
Have you been “photonapped?” Pt. 2
When I first started NexStitch, I spent time thinking about branding, name recognition, copyright, etc. And when everyone jumped on the MySpace and Facebook thing (and by everyone I mean other indy businesses who started a MySpace for their company), I stepped back and spent time pondering copyright. I went to the site to read their TOS agreement and [...]
July 27 2007
More About Content Thievery & Copyright Infringement
I just want to say “thank you” to the many of you who read this here little blog and have either posted here or sent me a private message saying how sorry you were to see/hear about the thievery going on. This isn’t the only thievery that I’ve had on a major scale. These are [...]
July 24 2007
A Heart-to-Heart is in Order, Internet Users
Dear Internet Users, Please refrain from stealing content and bandwidth from my website. I find it particularly annoying having to spend my evening finding creative ways to flip you off, virtually-speaking. I would much prefer to spend the time crocheting, relaxing, hanging with Larry t.v.-side, or what have you. However, if you choose to come up [...]