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Archive for the tag 'stitch'

Review & Giveaway: “Custom Crocheted Sweaters: Make Garments That Really Fit” by Dora Ohrenstein

ENTRIES FOR THE GIVEAWAY ARE NOW CLOSED. Thanks to everyone who participated! I enjoyed reading all your responses. A winner will be selected at random later on today. Good luck everyone! REVIEW Making crocheted sweaters can be a daunting challenge for a novice wanting to improve his or her skills. It’s risky business to spend lots [...]

WINNER of “Crochet Stitches Visual Encyclopedia” by Robyn Chachula!

And the winner is… SHERRY MCCARY! I’ve sent your email address off to someone at Wiley Publishing and they will be in contact with you and get you you’re book. A BIG thank you to EVERYONE on Facebook, Twitter, and this here little blog for participating! I didn’t comment on all your awesome posts while [...]

Crochet Stitches Visual Encyclopedia (Review & Giveaway on the Way!)

  HEAD’S UP I’m gearing up to review Robyn Chachula’s, “Crochet Stitches Visual Encyclopedia” on Thursday, October 20th here on my blog. Even better, I get to give away one copy to one of you lucky readers. So be on the lookout for my review coming later on next week. ‘Till then, happy crochet trails! [...]

On-The-Go Hobo (Re-Released)

Graphicsopolis. That’s what this has been about. Graphics, schmaphics. In between working on stuff for clients as well as a super secret cool pattern compilation project – for which I’m doing the graphics for and will tell you more about once it’s “live” – I’ve re-released the On-The-Go Hobo pattern. This pattern was originally published [...]