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Archive for the tag 'iphone'

Opening NexStitch Crochet Patterns on your iPhone or iPad via Ravelry!

I love Ravelry. I geek out on the technology that it has to offer. Just when I think Jess and Casey have topped themselves, I discover something else I didn’t know was available to Ravelry users. Case in point: The coolness of opening NexStitch crochet patterns on your iPad or iPhone*. Now you can have [...]

Getting Loopy about “Getting Loopy!” and all things podcast

I was psyched yesterday when Mr. NexStitch hooked up a wire in my car to run from my car stereo to my new iPhone so I could use the iPod feature of the phone and have the audio play out of the car speakers. Now, I can listen to podcasts instead of morning talk radio [...]

Snow Day!

There’s nothing better for the soul than a snow day! Now onto some crocheting. I need to make an iPhone cozy for my new phone (which is a month old and always a moment away from being scratched). If I make progress, I’ll update later. Tweet


I downloaded the WordPress iPhone app. I’m hoping this works out good because I’d like to increase my postings for this year. Last year I was pretty pathetic about posting. Call it an unofficial goal, if you will. Tweet