Opening NexStitch Crochet Patterns on your iPhone or iPad via Ravelry!

I love Ravelry. I geek out on the technology that it has to offer. Just when I think Jess and Casey have topped themselves, I discover something else I didn’t know was available to Ravelry users.

Case in point: The coolness of opening NexStitch crochet patterns on your iPad or iPhone*. Now you can have your patterns right at your fingertips, when you’re shopping for yarn and hooks or you’re crocheting in the park on a nice day. There’s no need to waste paper printing them out.

While on either wireless device, simply navigate to your Library on Ravelry and locate the pdf you would like to see in iBooks (I downloaded Doris Chan’s fabulous free shawl pattern to use as an example since I can’t buy my own patterns and place them in there):

Click to “download” it (depending on the length of the pdf, this might take several minutes):

In the top, right corner, click on “Open in iBooks”:

iBooks will launch, placing the file on the shelf:

Click on the pdf. It will open in full-screen mode, allowing you to scroll through the pages, search for a certain word or words, see all the pages at once to locate a specific page, and bookmark your last used page.

I love this! Apparently, you can too, for those of you who have one of their apps.

*This will only work for crochet patterns purchased using the Ravelry cart system, which was put into effect at the start of this year. So to be clear, if you purchased patterns from NexStitch using the old PayLoadz system, those patterns will not show up in your Library on Ravelry and will therefore not show up in iBooks on your iPad or iPhone.


4 Responses to “Opening NexStitch Crochet Patterns on your iPhone or iPad via Ravelry!”

  1. Really great description of this technology. I really love posts like this because they highlight the fact that crochet is not an “old craft” like some people mistakenly still think but rather that it fits perfectly in 21st century society.

  2. says:

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by NexStitch, CrochetConcupiscence. CrochetConcupiscence said: Opening NexStitch Crochet Patterns on your iPhone or iPad via Ravelry! via @NexStitch [...]

  3. Vashti Braha says:

    Thanks for blogging this!

  4. [...] is a lot of various technology available through this site including various apps. For example, Tales of a Techno Hooker recently aptly described how to open NexStitch crochet patterns on your iPad via [...]