Current Status: Sitting here with wet hair, smelling stain fumes pumping through the pipes in my house, and seriously craving some ice cream: Vanilla Peanut Butter Crunch with Chocolate Fudge, please. I’m working overtime just trying to finish up this office project. I had hoped to be done by now but I was derailed for [...]
Archive for the tag 'remodeling'
July 21 2011
Office Remodel Update: Going Gaga
Another quick update during the trim work process. We’re about a day behind on things but what’s being cranked out is a feast to beholden. I can’t stop looking at it. I think I’ve gone up and down the stairs to snatch sneak peeks of it at [...]
July 17 2011
Friday Night Special: Floor Sanding
So, what did you all do on Friday night? Me? I did what everyone else does on a Friday night: I was helping to sand floors in my office and the hallway until 11:30pm. I worked the Edgerrrr. That bad boy has a mind of it’s own. What a beast of a time it was [...]
June 12 2011
Craft Room Remodeling (What Makes a Great Craft Room?)
Very recently, Mr. NexStitch and I finished a bedroom remodel that spanned several months (we got hung up on a stain color for the trim and doors). It was an uphill battle, but being the first room in our home to be remodeled - other than my husband’s basement recording studio – it provided the “blueprint” [...]