Dear Fellow Crocheters, The last several days have been a trying time for many people in the tri-state community after the devastation brought on by Superstorm Sandy, namely on the Jersey shore. Having been raised in the small, beach tourist town of Point Pleasant, NJ myself, I’ve witnessed firsthand how this storm has impacted the everyday [...]
Archive for the 'Crochet' Category
August 31 2012
Pants-on-Fire De-Stashing!
There. I did it. I’ve managed to use up all the old novelty yarn that I had lying around here, the pile of yarn that I felt was holding me back from moving forward. That pile of yarn, to me, represented a bunch of old, failed ideas. It’s been in my stash for over 7 [...]
July 27 2012
A Sea of Doubts
I just cleared out most of the designs in my design graveyard sitting on top of my light table here in the office. At first, I thought displaying everything here would help me try to make one of these designs come to fruition. But after having them stare me in the face for so long, [...]
June 21 2012
Ravelympics 2012: US Olympic Committee DENIGRATES Crocheters & Knitters Alike
The US Olympic Committee has gone and done it again. They’ve managed to stoke the fire of yet another marginalized group of people: crocheters and knitters. Apparently intentionally underfunding the Paralympics and their treatment of the Cowichan Tribes during the Vancouver Games wasn’t enough, but now they’ve focused their laser beam sites on Ravelry, a [...]
May 27 2012
Beer and Hook Jaunt into NYC: How to Spend a Perfect Afternoon in the City
I arrived home from work on Wednesday afternoon with contained excitement about the impending 4-day weekend coming up, wanting to do something with the time instead of wasting away sitting here at the computer. A jaunt into the city to partake in some beer and hooky delight with my husband and our friend, Steve, was [...]
March 26 2012
Review & Giveaway: “Custom Crocheted Sweaters: Make Garments That Really Fit” by Dora Ohrenstein
ENTRIES FOR THE GIVEAWAY ARE NOW CLOSED. Thanks to everyone who participated! I enjoyed reading all your responses. A winner will be selected at random later on today. Good luck everyone! REVIEW Making crocheted sweaters can be a daunting challenge for a novice wanting to improve his or her skills. It’s risky business to spend lots [...]
November 23 2011
New Crochet Snowflake-Themed CafePress Gear by NexStitch!
Are you like me? Do you work a job that encourages people to dress up for holidays? And are you always scurrying around to figure out what exactly to wear? Yeah, me too. I’m not one for being that prepared with my clothing choices. I just find a clean pair or pants and a top [...]
November 5 2011
Embrace the (Crochet) Polarity! Seventeen Evergreen’s “Polarity Song” is Brilliant Loopy Madness
Seventeen Evergreen – Polarity Song from Lucky Number Music on Vimeo. Who knew being abducted by thrift store stalking, wollen monsters mummifying people in granny squares could be so entertaining? Imagine: you’re cruising the aisles of your local second-hand shop checking out the latest kitsch of picked-over clothes and nicknacks, when a hand reaches out [...]
July 14 2011
Cruising into…a Brick Wall.
Well, that’s what my body is saying this feels like. “This,” being all the back-breaking work I’ve been doing. I’ve been a monster worker this last week. Rather unstoppable, really. Every time I cross something off my “to do” list, I add twice as many things onto it. I think it’s some kind of litmus [...]
June 22 2011
So Many W.I.P.S., So Much Time
I waited forever to have two months off so I can focus on crochet and now that the time has come, I’m dazed and confused as to what to attempt first. Start something new or tackle to huge pile of WIPS I have hanging around Chez NexStitch. I’m currently staring down at this shawl that [...]
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