Cruising into…a Brick Wall.

Well, that’s what my body is saying this feels like. “This,” being all the back-breaking work I’ve been doing. I’ve been a monster worker this last week. Rather unstoppable, really. Every time I cross something off my “to do” list, I add twice as many things onto it. I think it’s some kind of litmus test I put myself through.

Case in point: The garage. Only I would, in the middle of a home office remodel, decide to re-do the entire garage. Only I. As if I didn’t have enough to do – did I mention that I also laid out the annual “Across the Board” booklet by the CGOA in 5 hours the other day in the midst of all that’s going on? – I decided that I was sick and tired of the state of affairs in the garage.

I hauled out nearly all of it onto the lawn and started my routine of *junking, recycling, freecycling, donating, and at points, cursing the sky at various items lain a strew in there.* You see, there’s never been any place to put anything. So I went out and bought a nice shelf – thank you credit card! – and started arranging, organizing, and otherwise gathering back my sanity.

And in the middle of all of this, nagging my husband to help get my darkroom table he’d built me over 7 years ago in a previous home’s garage put in place in our current location (OK, there’s something you didn’t know about me. I love shooting and printing black and whites). So now I have both organization and my darkroom table back.

But that isn’t all. I’ve been going nuts finishing up insulating the two upstairs eaves and getting stuff put in there. Wish it were as simple as just shoveling containers into those dark voids. Nope. The majority of the storage containers we have needed to be gone through. If this were a crochet pattern, I’d just tell you to, “Rep from * to * twice,” because that’s what came next.

And right now? Right now I’m shooting tons of pictures for items to post to ebay since I can’t help spackle the walls in my office (I’m terrible at that part, surprisingly). Only I would find more projects within projects until my head exploded!

Office Update

Right now the third coat of spackle is drying and about to be sanded. Then, the floors need to be refinished. I’m hoping a horrible stain on the floor comes up. Wish me luck. Then, I have to paint before the contractor comes back on Monday. We’re on a tight time schedule.


3 Responses to “Cruising into…a Brick Wall.”

  1. Good luck! I really am in awe of the scope of your project… My task of arranging furniture, unpacking boxes, and finding storage solutions for my new craft room seems pretty pathetic compared with what you’ve taken on!

  2. Amie says:

    Ha! I’m giggling because unpacking, rearranging, and finding storage solutions is sometimes half of what my Day Job is all about. I’m such a drone in that regard. I could do it in my sleep. But this highly physical work? It’s for the birds! Today’s fun task? Pulling off some moulding in the hallway so we can sand the floors in the office/hallway area. And by “we” I mean The Husband. ;-) (I think I’ll be working the small, hand-held sander.)

  3. says:

    That sounds like something I would do.

    It’s like just when my room is at it’s messiest, I feel the need to go and open up some other drawer or closet or whatever and organized that, and add more stuff to the clutter that’s on the floor.