Hello again!

As you can see, I’ve decided to move my blog over to my own domain. I had previously been hosting it with Missa of KPixie under the “My Crochet Blogs” umbrella, so-to-speak. But I was having too many issues with Dreamhost (hosting for the blog). There were times when my blog would be down for long periods of time and that just irked me. After the umpteenth time, I decided I needed to do something about it. Between that and constantly having file size /space issues when uploading images (and subsequently running around like crazy trying to downsize images), I’d had enough and figured I should host it myself. I have a TON of space on my server (Shoot, I pay nearly $300 a year for it so I had better have enough).

So here I am! Please make sure you update your RSS if that’s how you’re seeing me:


Thanks for sticking with me!

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