Office Remodel (Update): Is it Done Yet?

Things are moving along quickly. In the last several days, I managed to get the room ripped out right down to the stud, which revealed a few interesting finds. Since then, the room has been insulated. It only took 2 days. That’s dripping with sarcasm in case you couldn’t tell:

I'm keeping Lowe's in business with all this work.










Along the way, I managed to seek extra help in the insulation process:

Queen of Insulation sitting upon her thrown.













And she's happy to let everyone know that she's the boss. Trust me.













I had ceiling lights installed. 6 in total:

Let there be light!










And I had a dumpster delivered and ran around the house feverishly trying to find stuff to fill it with:

Any chance we could put the rest of what's in the garage in here too? We (he!) has so much stuff that needs to go.











I’m exhausted.

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