Built-in Prettiness by Clarkworks, LLC


Super excited! I have a bookshelf!

I designed it and my contractor, Frank Clark of Clarkworks, LLC built it. He’s really amazing with the woodwork (his specialty).

I’m already envisioning prettiness all over this thing. I might even use it to store projects I’m working on since I already have a yarn storage piece of furniture from Pier 1 (my parents bought it for me along with a really nice chair that sort of matches it). I’m sure there will be some books on there too along with other things that go along with my general beach-like aesthetic which I call, “Beach: Inland.”

Yippie! Can’t wait to get staining.


4 Responses to “Built-in Prettiness by Clarkworks, LLC”

  1. I’m amazed that it isn’t wrap around, but I do really love it. Is it bad that I get amazed when people are as much of an autodidact as I am? Nevermind. Great bookshelf, lovely blog. Are you going to line of the yarn storage and the progress storage? Kind of like a evolution timeline, the rise of yarn and hooks?

  2. kalurah says:


  3. Amie says:

    It can’t wrap around. I have a tv slated to be on the wall on the other side. That corner of the room will be a little nook with a tv and a chair with an ottoman.

  4. Carolyn says:

    Jealous and inspired. I had to settle for an IKEA Expedit, since I can’t afford a custom built in. I can’t wait to see how yours comes along!