Lick-a-polooze (The Reign of the Cone of Shame is No More)!

Kitty Kats got her freedom on Wednesday afternoon when we visited the vet, who gave her the thumb’s up on her surgery recovery and thus removed the Cone of Shame. And while it seemed very unmomentous while in the vet’s office, the moment Roxie was released from her pet carrier into the living room, she began a fast paced and furious licking-fest.

Here a lick...










Seriously. She licked every last inch of herself.

...there a lick...












Multiple times.












...a lick,...













And feverishly.














Like it was going out of style.

Kitty Kats has a Gene Simmons-like tongue.

And she knows how to use it.













Until she’d worn herself out.














If you fall asleep with your tongue out of your mouth, your tongue gets numb. But what if you’re a kitty with an already sandpaper-like tongue? Inquiring minds want to know.


3 Responses to “Lick-a-polooze (The Reign of the Cone of Shame is No More)!”

  1. dakota says:

    Glad to see kitty has her freedom. When my cat had to wear the cone of shame I felt guilty everytime I was near her. Maybe you will sleep better tonight :-)

  2. Amie says:


  3. Jan Quigley says:

    Yay, glad the cone of shame is finally off. We’ve had cats & a dog who’ve had to wear them in the past & they just look so pathetic. Loved the lick Olympics pics. I imagone that tongue was pretty numb by then without being left out, lol.