Abort! Abort! Kitty Cuteness Overload. ABORT!

This kitty has me wrapped around her little paw, I tell you.

Future Feline Yarnie

I can’t manage to get much done with her looking so cute and doing funny things to make me laugh or “Dawww!” all the time. But she’s taken the cake now with her latest move.

I started working on revamping a bag design late last week. I bought two skeins of Lion Brand Fisherman’s Wool yarn in the dark brown color (Nature’s Brown?) and set to my task of hooking up the main portion of the bag. Kitty liked the yarn from the get-go, sniffing it like it was tainted with catnip.

I was about a day into the project, having hooked up about a foot and a half tall bag when someone of the furry persuasion decided that the bag was a comfy place to relax. That’s Roxie sacked out in the bag under the glass top of my living room table.

Kitty thinks this was all divine intervention.

Can you believe this fur ball edging in on my project like this? She wouldn’t get off the thing long enough for me to work on it Friday night. (I had a beer with dinner and it was making me sleepy so I figured some crocheting would be the fuel I needed. Kitty had other plans. And yes, I conked out soon after trying to swipe it back).

She did too.

Don't be fooled by my cute.

But ohhhh nooo, it didn’t end there. I finally reclaimed my bag project Caturday night, after an afternoon of trying to wriggle it out from underneath her, and what did she go and do? She pulled the most winning-est move in the kitty kingdom: she climbed right into the thing while I was working on it, effectively blinding me with her cuteness!


Yep. That’s her in the bag which was rested on a blue pillow in my lap. The husband shot this pic to get the full glory of it all. Look at her gloat at her win!

Mugshot of the Feline Offender

Now, she only comes out when it’s time to eat. Otherwise, this bag is her new crib (minus the bling, bling and caviar.)

Yarn Snob

She’s even taken over the unfinished skeins, using them as pillows. Hoarder.

Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine....

So, I did what any cat mommy might do. I gave up and I gave it to her. And bought myself new yarn.It just kills me because I made her a bed from some nice cotton yarn but she won’t have anything to do with it. Folks, I’ve got myself a yarn snob on my hands. And she’s a cat. A feline yarn snob.

Anyone have a cure for this? Anyone have a kitty that does this too?



5 Responses to “Abort! Abort! Kitty Cuteness Overload. ABORT!”

  1. Amy says:

    Who could be mad at that puddle of cute?

  2. Amie says:

    Yeahhhhh, I’m not. I’m just confused why she likes the wool over the cotton. I’m just happy she has a place to nap that she loves. :-)

  3. retropink says:

    This is just a whole lotta cute! I have a little Pug-Zu dog who likes to sit in my lap when I crochet. I think she likes the warmth from the wool.

  4. K-eM says:

    I had a brown tabby who LOVED wool, too. We had to keep anything wool in the house locked up or out of reach. Sweaters, spinning fiber, yarn, rugs….absolutely anything with wool.

  5. says:

    Haha, My little yorkie does this! He LOVES anything I’ve started/finished making! I can’t keep him away from it. He’ll see my projects up high on the table and cry for me to give them to him. He only likes the NEW stuff, and pushes past old things I’ve made him (in an attempt to pacify) and goes for the newest projects. Everytime. I think it’s because the items are soft and cozy..but also smell like their owners, and pets like that. :-)