Office Remodel Done! Now Where’s My Beer?

I had set myself the task of finishing the office remodel by midnight on Friday and what a squeaker it was because I wrapped it up last night at 11:50pm. Here’s a quick snapshot of me enjoying a celebratory Black IPA brewed by myself and my husband a few weeks ago in the room. More pictures to follow once I get things in and set up, but for now, I bring you this:

Office Remodel Completed!

After a long day of sanding, vacuuming, tacking, and polyurethaning without any dinner, that beer was simply amazing. And yes, I sat down to have dinner a little after midnight: Shrimp Burger on a Ciabatta Roll, Homemade Mac N Cheese, & Cucumber and Tomato Salad with Parsley & Scallions. Yum.


6 Responses to “Office Remodel Done! Now Where’s My Beer?”

  1. Carolyn says:

    Great job! Can’t wait to see it decorated, and to see how you organize it. I’ve got so much yarn, I don’t even know where to start.

  2. Lisa says:

    Wow, it didn’t sound like you were going to make your deadline. You ROCK!!!

    I’m looking froward to seeing how you organize it too.

    PS – shame on you for eating so late!

  3. Ann Marie says:

    Such a tease! More pix please!

  4. Amie says:

    @Ann Marie More pictures coming once I get a few things up, like the desk. Hoping to make some progress today.

  5. Cheryl says:

    Just a note to say – I’m a beginner crocheter and what an excellent site. I especially appreciate the videos. Thank you!

  6. Amie says:

    Thanks Cheryl!