Sneak Peak: Shawl in Progress

Wouldn’t you like to know what this is???

Actually, it’s a shawl.

And I’m only showing this lil’ bit. It’s a work-in-progress right now. It’s taking awhile to design because it’s fairly complicated. It’s a challenge. A fun challenge.

Speaking of complicated, I had asked both my and the folks at on Ravelry what their thoughts were about trying out patterns labeled “advanced intermediate” and “experienced,” and I was pleasantly surprised that many were in favor of harder patterns. Based on my own sales of slightly harder patterns, I’ve found the more simple ones sell. Well, that was my opinion a few years back anyways. Certainly that will be tested out when I publish this pattern; we’ll see if I’m wrong (and I won’t complain about being wrong on this one).


2 Responses to “Sneak Peak: Shawl in Progress”

  1. Karen says:

    I have found that the patterns I buy are the ones that I like the look of the finished project…. if it is simple that is like icing on the cake. I also have discovered that “experienced” patterns can actually be repetitive in a way that makes sense to my brain and seem easy to me. Give me something simple and I may screw it up! I love the little sneak peak… I think it has potential to be a WIP/FO for me soon after you publish! Good luck!

  2. Amie says:

    Makes total sense to me. I’m more of a pie-in-the-shy-the-harder-the-better kind of person myself so I can relate.