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Glitter Meets Glue Designs: Stellar Graphics & Teaching Materials Now on TeachersPayTeachers.com!

Last week I was going through my morning routine of touring every corner of the Internet when I stumbled across a video online about a teacher who had made upwards of over a million dollars selling teacherly things: lessons, units, etc. I was intrigued to say the least so I headed on over to Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT) and instantly signed up.

“I could do this. I have tons of stuff!” I thought, excitedly going through a virtual rolodex in my mind of all the self-generated lesson materials I had from lessons and units to worksheets and Easi-Teach slideshow presentations to tests and quizzes. You name it, I probably have it.

And then I went tooling around on TPT and noticed that many people were selling graphics for things like borders and labels and worksheets, etc. I can’t recall the last time I thought that I had a chance, a slim chance but still a chance to find a profitable way to marry my teaching and art experience together to make a living. I know, I know, I’m all pie-in-the-sky about this. A girl can dream, can’t she? I don’t need millions. I just need to make a decent living doing the best job in America which is to work for myself and be independent, speaking as someone who is the product of two parents who did just that.

And so, “Glitter Meets Glue Designs” is born.

Glitter Meets Glue Designs: Stellar Graphics & Teaching Materials

What do you think about my logo? The logo is really the top part. This graphic was created to fill the square space given for an image on the TPT website.

I’m opening up shop with just a few things but hope to grow my wares over time as I comb through all my teaching materials and edit things down. For now, I’m dreaming of having my (ice cream) cake and eating it, too.

Check out my first product. It’s a freebie! They’re Halloween themed clip art frames for personal use.

Glitter Meets Glue Designs: Halloween Frames

Glitter Meets Glue Designs: Halloween Frames

I have a heart themed frame pack coming out shortly, too.

If you know anyone who is a teacher or homeschooling their child or who might be looking for graphics for things like borders, frames, yada, I’d love a referral. 

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