I was so inspired by New Year’s Resolution list that I decided I need to make my own list. Sometimes I make one (almost always mentally) and sometimes, well..I make it up as I go. I like her format so, “monkey see, monkey do.”
Practical Stuff
1) Get blown insulation into our house (my office is fReEzInG in the winter. Thank heavens for this warm winter we’re having.)
2) Clean out the Storage Room. I secretly call it, “Larry’s, ‘Can I Pile More Stuff in There?’ Room”
3) Find stuff from said junk pile, I mean Storage Room, to Ebay
(3a: Convince Larry that we don’t need to own every record, cd, dvd, and laser disc known to man. And please try not to laugh too loudly when I say laser disc because I was able to convince the man to let most of them go on to greener pastures (i.e. Ebay) a few years ago.)
4) Remove nasty 1960’s wallpaper from the hallway (after blown insulation is done). This was the way it looked prior to use moving in, but the walls are still ugly:
5) Remodel Office. Since we’ve moved into this house, nothing significant has been done to any room to make it look different. We even have Stephanie’s curtains in the Living Room (Stephanie was the old lady who lived here and passed away a few years ago). I’ve been terribly excited to have the office I’ve always wanted and all the time in the world to do it, but not the proper foundation upon which to make it happen. All home remodelling/re-doing falls back on Practical Resolution #1 because we can’t touch a wall until they’ve been properly sealed.
6) Buy a treadmill
Everyday Things
1) I’m completely stealing/copying this when I say, “Take a multivitamin.” Laura, I’m with you hun. Lar has tried to get me to do this in the past. I just need a recommendation on a proper “girl vitamin.”
2) Continue to drink lots of water instead of fruit/sugar drinks. Boyyyy. I said, BOYyy, I loves me some sugary drinks! In June, I became addicted to Dasani water.I DO NOT LIKE minerals in water (ick). I do not like them Sam I Am! Dansani is not a mineral water and that works just fine for me (MOM!)
3) Don’t get frustrated so easily. I’m not a quitter. I’ll do something over and over and over and over again, all the while seething (like this sweater I’m working on now (photo to come).
4) Another copy from Laura: Leave 5 minutes earlier. Most days I’m barely making it to work. It’s for the same exact reason as Laura points out, that: “Stop wishing reality were different, and start living the best you can with what you’ve got.” I call it, “Make Lemonade with Lemons.” I don’t talk much here about my everyday, “8:20 – no specific time” job, but if you knew me personally, you’d know to the fullest extent my feelings on this. I’ll keep it short here, only to suggest that if I could roll into a better job TODAY, I would. It’s a very frustrating and unrewarding job. Since we moved, my commute has been different. It’s shorter by a few minutes, but I just leave way too late and that’s because when it comes down to it, I’d prefer not to be making the 45 minute trek to a thankless job. I’m going to print out a picture of a large lemon and place it behind my desk where I’ll have no choice but to look at it everyday as a reminder of what needs to be my new attitude (for now).
5) Walk on said Treadmill. If I had one, I’d walk every day when I got home. I would. I like treadmills. You can walk a mile and go nowhere. It’s the outdoor walking I despise. I used to do it all the time and I’d get through a nice walk/run and find myself two towns away and then have to get myself home!
(5a: Don’t pig out. I love to eat too much)
6) Get work clothes ready when I get home from work, not in the morning when I’m already late and rushing around.
The Main Event
1) Explore other gainful means of employment that would be more rewarding. I don’t know where to begin with this. It’s been in the front of my brain for several years now, but I don’t know where to start. I’d love for my every day gig to be related to this crochet thing in some way. It’s what makes me happy. I’d love to work for a major publication, but doing what exacting, I don’t know. I’m not sure if my current location eliminates that as a possibility.
My fear? Not being able to pay the bills because the job I would take would pay so far less than what I make now. NJ is an expensive state to live in and it’s not getting any cheaper. A job making 10% of what I make now would be devastating to me (and Larry).
2) Get Published and Self-Publish More. I’m terribly slow when it comes to putting out my own work because I’m very methodical about what I commit my name to. I need to find a way to put out the same quality work, but speed up the time. My list of ideas is a mile long, but my actual end results equal a few yards. I also need to explore and FOLLOW THROUGH on more publishing via books and magazines.
3) Private
4) Pay off the Debt (I did this once before by making a chart that was color-coordinated to the amount I paid to each card each month. If I paid $50-100 I marked the amount with a red highlighter. If I made $101-200 I used an orange one. $201-300 I used a yellow one, and so on according to the colors in the rainbow. The more money, the further into the color spectrum (I’m a slave to color). I made multiple payments to certain cards which helped. And I could look back and see in a snapshot what kind of month I had. It sounds stupid I’m sure, but it helped TREMENDOUSLY.
5) Begin Wholesale accounts (after paying off debt)
I’m keeping this list relatively short because I want to make sure these things get done.
OK folks, I know about 100 of you read this daily, so what are your goals this year? What is the silliest, funniest, or most accomplished goal you’ve had in the past? (Mine was the year I decided to put “better posture” on my list. – LMAO. I just sat straight up in my chair. – I seemed to have forgotten that goal, which by the way I stuck to all the way up until August of that year. And then I realized, “posture, schmaaasture. I’m straight, aren’t I?”