, the world’s fastest crocheter (according to Guiness), sent me these photos from the CGOA Convention in July. The first one is of a bunch of us at the bar (where else would we be on a Friday night?):
And the second one is of Lisa and I. Her husband shot this one of us:
Remind me not to where those pants for pictures. They make me look hippy.
Lisa had to crochet over 800 treble crochet stitches in 30 minutes for that title. Kind of makes you want to sit down and figure out how many you can do in that time, eh? I keep meaning to pester her to ask if they allow you to start with a chain already done, and what kind of yarn is required (is there a requirement?). I just wonder how the officials monitor that kind of stuff, or do they? I’ve never seen a crochet showdown before. Have you?