I was finally able to get pictures of this bikini last night. I’ve sent it in as a submission for the Crochet a Day calendar that Annie Modesitt does. Now, with taking pictures in different locations, the pictures never come out exactly the same. It’s been a struggle from the start.
We started out taking pictures in the basement of our rental house. These have been, by far, the best photos we’ve gotten. Since then, it’s been more challenging. We tried taking pictures in the upstairs room of that same house when our roommate moved out. These didn’t have the same “flavor” as the basement shots.
And now that we’re in our new house, I had to decide where to do the pictures because it’ll be the same place, same set up from now on. To make a long story shortER, we used my office. The color on the mannequin isn’t the same as the other two locations, but again, we expected that. Plus, we didn’t have a ton of time to set up and shoot. There were lots of other stuff going on here, so this is what we ended up with:
Is there anyone who thinks I should provide some interchangable motifs with this pattern??