And the Winner of “Custom Crocheted Sweaters is…”

Dora Ohrenstein's "Custom Crocheted Sweaters: Make Garments that Really Fit"

Jenn McMillan!

Congrats Jenn! Your post to Pinterest won you the book. Please send me an email at blog[at] and I will get your contact information over to the fine folks at Lark 

Ohhhhh, but I’m not done yet, folks.

Nope. Not done.

I have an extra copy of the book to give away. You heard that correctly. I have my own copy to give out.

Nezka Pfeifer!

Also, another Pinterest entry won it! Send me an email, too, and I’ll get it to you.

BIG thank you to EVERYONE on Pinterest, Twitter, and this here little blog for participating! I little birdie told me that Dora might be having her own contest on her site, so keep your eyes pealed on Crochet Insider for your next chance to win.

I didn’t comment on all your awesome posts while the contest was going on, but you had a lot of great things to say. It seems like the issue of fit is a major concern with crocheters alike in delving into their first garment. Dora’s book is a great place to start to get tips, tricks, and suggestions, so if you didn’t win, I recommend checking it out. It’s an awesome book.

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One Response to “And the Winner of “Custom Crocheted Sweaters is…””

  1. [...] didn’t win Techno Hookers copy of  “Custom Crocheted Sweaters“, but I did enter Sandra Singh’s Spring Maple Shawl Kit giveaway (drawing 21 April), [...]