And it’s not even trying to be so don’t be comment bombing me when you see some things in there that you wouldn’t expect to see in Texas.
For one thing, it has dark red kidney beans in it. For another, lots of red pepper. I know, I know, I know: Texas chili doesn’t have beans and pepper in it.
I watch Top Chef. This season they’re in Texas, of all places, and they made chili and I got to listen to how they don’t put beans in their chili.
So I’m not even trying to pretend that I’m making southern chili. No, no this is northern chili. You see, we have this one tiny advantage to putting the beans and pepper in there, and it’s a devious plan from the get-go: husbands without the southern and culinary pedigree don’t know the difference and are suckered (read: tricked) into eating more veggies and beans.
I can’t get Mr. NexStitch to eat enough of those things otherwise. So what he doesn’t know, won’t hurt him. And don’t you go ratting me out!
I figured this time around, I’d throw in a little beer from a local brewery just for some added flavor. Shoot, I’m not eating it – I don’t eat meat, I eat fish – so I’m not going to know the difference.
(Aren’t I bad?)
So I poured some in. And what didn’t get poured into the pot, got poured down the throat (a sip for me, a sip for the chili, mix, repeat). Luckily the evidence has ceased to exist.