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Free Tunisian Crochet Video Tutorial Intro: Learn to Crochet Video Series

What is Tunisian?

Afghan crochet, another name for tunisian crochet, is believed to have been invented during the mid to late 1800's when it was used as a base for cross-stitch. It is currently experiencing a resurgence in popularity with the advent of crochet as a new favorite pastime, along with knitting. Dubbed "the half-way crochet," tunisian has several similarities to knitting, including stitch names like purl and knit, as well as the manner in which the stitches are worked onto the hook.

This form of crochet is unique in that it is created in two passes. The forward pass (FP) is carried out from right to left, picking up loops onto the hook by inserting it in a host of different places. The loops are removed during the return row (RR), working from left to right.

Both passes together equal one complete row. (For all of our NexStitch™ tunisian crochet patterns, we have chosen to separate the FP and RR for the sake of clarity.) Also, the work is not turned, which is similar to knitting. Therefore, the side viewed while crocheting is considered the front of the piece. This type of crocheting creates more substantial, thick stitches and is excellent for heavy sweaters or handbags. When worked loosely, tunisian crochet makes for very unique-looking scarf or shawl designs. The size of the hook is what determines how loose or tight the stitches, as well as the size of the piece being created.

Afghan hooks used for tunisian crochet are longer than regular hooks and have a flat stopper on the opposite end. This ensures that the loops remain on the hook. The hook is generally held in an overhand stance, allowing for easy manipulation of the hook and yarn. Afghan hooks are offered in a variety of sizes and lengths. They can also be found in circulars, and are made with a variety of materials including , plastic, and aluminum (see below):

tunisian crochet hook

Patterns for larger items like sweaters or blankets will require longer hooks. Hats can be created too with afghan circular hooks. For patterns that do not require a long hook, a regular hook can be altered with a large eraser or wad of painter's tape at the far end to aid as a stopper. Also, a double-ended crochet hook is suitable for tunisian crochet patterns (see below):

crochet on the double hook

To the left is a list of several basic stitches, with accompanying free crochet video tutorials and pattern recommendations for each stitch demonstrated. Video clips can be viewed in either Quicktime or Windows Media Player. Also, check out our free Creamsicle Scarf tunisian pattern and our free crochet pattern gallery.

To begin, click one of the links to the left for our tunisian crochet video tutorials.

Traditional Crochet Videos

What is Tunisian?

Chain Stitch

Basic Forward Pass
and Return Row

Bobble Stitch

Cluster Stitch

Corded Stitch

Cross Stitch

Knit Stitch

Pebble Stitch

Purl Stitch

Reverse Stitch

Simple Stitch

Simple Stitch Dec.

Simple Stitch Inc.

Spike Stitch

Twisted Simple Stitch

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